Facebook interest
Targeting tool to level
up your Facebook Advertising

Find hidden interests in Facebook Ads Manager
that Facebook doesn't show you.

$97 for Lifetime

Find thousands of hidden interests in Facebook
and make your campaign more targeted.


InterestScout finds you targeted interests that you can target in your niche marketing campaigns.

Find high converting interests that your competitors have no idea about and run your campaign with a greater ROI than ever before.

How does it work?


Enter the general keyword you
want to target. Example: "Soccer",
"Golf", "Skiing", "Perfume", etc. Set
your number of interests you want
to have. You can have from
0 to unlimited.

InterestScout Searches for interests

Relax back and wait while
InterestHound does the work in
the back and gets you highly
specifc interests Facebook
was hiding from you.

Copy the keywords to Facebook Audience

Copy the interests or export to a
CSV. Add them to your target
audience in your Ads Manager.

Find hidden interests with exact audience sizes

Why is it a game changer?


Find profitable untapped facebook TM interest other Marketers
and business owners didn't already known about..
effectively leapfrogging your compettion

Know ahead of time the exact interests to target in your
advertising-with pre-analyzed interests so there's no guesswork

Speed up your research by saving you hours of manual work.Just
endter a broad topiv and get a list of hyper-targeted interests.

Effortlessly filter your audience to drill down to the hungriest
groups of leads and buyers

"Most powerful arsenal in my Facebook advertising campaigns right now!"

Paul Knoglinger, VoyMedia


$97 one-time purchase

  • Unlimited Searches
  • Export to CSV
  • Pro Support
Get Started